2020-04-16    328
Everyone wants to look good. Self-image has never been more ubiquitous, nor more profitable, and the cosmetics industry is a key driver in meeting consumer demands for new and exciting products. Delivering accurate color is key to today’s health and beauty products, now more than ever. From perfecting a look, introducing a new line, custom matching skin shade or developing eye catching packaging, color must be precise, repeatable, and measurable. Companies that can provide this assurance will be better positioned to increase revenue and make lasting impressions with their customers.
Color card, the leader in color management solutions, offers a range of instruments, software, services and standards for the cosmetics industry, from laboratory to point-of-sale. 3nh has the technology, experience, and global presence to effectively monitor color at every stage. For half a century we have been at the forefront of color measurement innovation and continue to introduce solutions that enhance color performance while simplifying color analysis and correction.
The 3nh family of products has earned a reputation for ease of use, reliability, and durability that makes it a preferred choice for companies anywhere in the world.
Spectrophotometers Haze Meters/Transmission Meter Colorimeters Densitometers Gloss meters Color Assessment Cabinets Standard Light Sources Test Charts Image Quality Testing Software Accessories Color matching software ColorReader Spectrocolorimeters
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