Nanotechnology is driving applications for re-used and new forms of plastic to replace wood and metals. These new materials are often used in consumer applications that demand an array of complex colors to match emerging trends. 3nh offers
Nanotechnology is driving applications for re-used and new forms of plastic to replace wood and metals. These new materials are often used in consumer applications that demand an array of complex colors to match emerging trends. 3nh offers measurement tools that allow manufacturers to precisely measure and communicate color in all forms and shapes of material along with software that permits quick recalibration as trends shift.
Product News
Precision colorimeter NR110 for the role of the plastics ind
Color Knowledges
Human Eyes to Distinguish Colors
Product News
Spectrophotometer improves the color quality and performance
Company News
New company name Guangdong ThreeNH Technology Co., Ltd.
Product News
How Does Colour Measurement Helps in Drugs Counterfeiting?